Psychedelic Preparation & Integration Support
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Psychedelic Preparation & Integration Support
Aside from my guiding service, I also offer psychedelic preparation and integration coaching and support - either preparing for an upcoming psychedelic experience, or integrating one that you’ve already had.
If you are looking to have an intentional psychedelic experience without me as a guide, then we can cover the following topics:
Health screening (using the same questionnaire as used in my guiding service)
Medical contraindications
Cost/benefit of various dose amounts
How to prepare your mind, body, and space
Potential physical and psychological symptoms
How psychedelics work, and their safety profile
Understanding if it’s the right time for you
Expectation setting
How to brief your ‘sitter’ and, if you have one, therapist or coach
How the archetypal Hero’s Journey story is relevant to you
What intentions are in this context, and how to set yours
What trauma actually is, and how it can be stored in, and released from, the body
What to eat during the time leading up to your journey
How to be embodied, and why it’s important
What defences are, and how to work through them
Tips for staying out of your head
What ‘ego dissolution’, the ‘shadow’, and the ‘peak experience’ are
What to do immediately after your journey
What integration is, and why it’s an essential part of the process
If you are seeking support for a psychedelic journey that you’ve already had, then we can explore the experience in detail. I appreciate that psychedelic experiences can sometimes be overwhelming or challenging for those that are not sufficiently prepared and supported (and speaks to the importance of careful preparation and having a competent guide/sitter present). I can work with you to help you find meaning from the experience in a way that makes sense for you, and can help you to embed the lessons so that they become a lasting and positive part of your life. We can cover the following topics:
Different ways to integrate your journey based on the experience you had (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual/mystical, relational, and/or environmental)
How to integrate your journey in a way that is compatible with your own cultural framework and beliefs
The difference between ‘challenging’ and ‘bad’ experiences (and how some argue there are no bad experiences)
Reassurances of the physiological safety of psychedelics
How the work of Carl Jung and Stanislav Grof may be relevant for understanding the experience
How to find meaning from the experience
How to mine the experience for lessons
How to share the experience with others
Where to find communities of fellow journeyers
How to embody the experience
How to make the experience a lasting positive part of your life
Please note that I will never offer any information about where to source psychedelics where it is illegal to possess/consume them. Please only take psychedelics where it is safe and legal to do so.